Ozsea Plate Boats
Plate Aluminium boat builders

A referbished boat transforms an old tired boat ready for retirement into a seaworthy vessel that looks and performs like a brand new boat. From floor replacements to a complete overhaul ozsea can make you boat new again.
Click on images below to see examples

Original centre console

onverted to lock up cab with hardtop

Old single pod removed

New dual pod installed

Old look , with drum winch and bare finish

New look complete with anchor well, and new paint

Live bait tank incorporated into rear shelf ready for glass

Old rotten florr removed

New floor with new seat box's and seats

Conversion of 5.5 jet drive to outboard

Jet drive opening sealed and pod installed

Old paint scheme

A new paint job does wonders.

An unfinished kit boat. With a fully decked out factory putting the finishing touches to a kit boat is easily done

Freshly painted, new screen , roof ready for upholstery, motor fitted

Looking the goods